Sunday 30 May 2010

Breakfast Of Champions and Movie Legends?

So far as I'm concerned, you can't call it a Sunday morning without it involving some form of spicy food. A big bowl of Chilli, congealed scrapings from the Madras tub lingering after last nights Indian takeaway.... An acquired taste, perhaps, but one that I've long stood on my soapbox and evangelised about. It beats wimpy cornflakes.
My friend James shares my fetish for hot food, and he too is known to indulge in things fiery of a Sunday morning. He cooks a mean Chilli Omelette (since renamed the 'Chomelette') Soaked in chilli oil, loaded with cheese... I defy anyone to bolt one of these bad boys and not believe that chickens were put on this planet explicitly for the purpose of banging out eggs fit for a hard whisking.
Tenuous, granted, but I like to think that maybe the late, great Dennis Hopper would approve of this kind of breakfast. So todays tasty omelette was for Dennis.

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