Friday 11 March 2011

The Gul Blog

Dear Gul Bude blog readers.
We've decided to change the way we do things a bit. From now on, all Gul news and info will go through our main facebook page and the official Gul Blog. This will allow us to communicate with you all in a much more organised and effective way. There will still be store specific info about promotions, deals and general goings on but all from one big Gul platform. If you haven't done so already, click 'facebook' to like our facebook page and click 'Blog' to read and follow our blog.




Cai, and all at Gul Bude.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Something Strange has Occurred

She was off sick yesterday... a migraine she said!

She assured me she was better...

I'm not so sure her head's straight at all...

I'm a little scared! HELP?!

R&E x

Monday 7 March 2011


Dear Mother,
I'm having a great time out here in Tasmania, or as they call it round here 'TAZZY'! Whilst "supping a cold stubby" at a genuine Australian pub yesterday, I got talking to some upstanding locals about our recent resounding Ashes win in the cricket. There was no bitterness from their end, I'm glad to say! In fact, they were so agreeable, they've suggested taking me to a little beauty spot called "Shipstern Bluff" to try out some 'surfing', which sounds like a jolly hoot. How exciting! As you know, the closest I've ever come to seawater was when I bought that Parrot fish for little Tommys' fish bowl.
They've said I'll pick it up pretty quick. I know you'll worry when you get this Mother as of course I never did learn to swim, but my friends have said it's very shallow so I needn't worry about swimming. They've also said they'll all make sure they're watching me on my first wave, which was awfully sweet of them. They even said they'll probably film it, so maybe I'll be able to show you my first wave as a 'surfer'.

My new chums did say it was probably worth letting my immediate loved ones know that I was going surfing at Shipstern Bluff - this place really must be special!
Anyway, must go and wax my wetsuit in preparation for my first ever surf!
Wish me luck!
With love and oodles of hugs,
from your dear boy,
p.s. They all seem very giggly - jolly high spirits all round!

Saturday 5 March 2011

The Sunny Hours

Yet another day of beautiful sunshine here in the North of the county. Find a sunny corner, sheltered from the cool Easterly, and you could almost imagine the Summertime. I'm savouring every sweet moment, as this Winter has felt much longer than most. I'm going to make the most of every sunny second I can get involved in, from now until November. Pact made. Here's a couple of shots I took when a milder wind was blowing, a few days back. C

Friday 4 March 2011

Craicing vid

I was drinking endless cups of tea at my mates place the other day.
It was a wet day so we were scouting various surf videos to make us feel better and came across this one, featuring our very own rider Tom Butler. It's a great Irish vid, proving were proof needed that heavy lips and stomach-flipping drops are not by any means just the reserve of a few over-exposed breaks around the globe.
Enjoy. C.

Start as you mean to go on...... from Tim Boydell on Vimeo.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Sofa so good.

Apologies, no blog today because we've been hard at work picking up and scrubbing up our Bobby Dazzler new sofa. It's going to be part of the new look we're working on at the back of the store. Shan't show you a picture yet, better we do it when we're finished.
But isn't the weather just amazing? If it doesn't rain now until October, I shan't moan.... C

Wednesday 2 March 2011

The Booth Fairy

Been enjoying the Photobooth app for my iPhone of late. Fun to play with in and out of the office. C